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Latest news - White Marlin Gran Canaria

On this page you can see the latest news of the White Marlin, located in Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria.
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Fishing with live bait. - White Marlin Gran Canaria

Fishing with live bait.

3 December 2021 - Durante las primeras 5 horas, nada, y luego los peces comienzan a atacar, el cebo vivo vuelve a ser una buena elección, ¡bien hecho,... read more »

Fishing with Live bait. - White Marlin Gran Canaria

Fishing with Live bait.

3 December 2021 - For the first 5 hours - nothing, and then the fish start striking, live bait proves good choice again, well done... read more »

Daughter vs dad fishing fun - White Marlin Gran Canaria

Daughter vs dad fishing fun

30 November 2021 - Family fishing fun with dad and... read more »

Catch of the day - White Marlin Gran Canaria

Catch of the day

23 November 2021 - Good fishing day with happy guests on... read more »

Happy weekend!! - White Marlin Gran Canaria

Happy weekend!!

9 February 2025 - Happy weekend fishermen, this week was pretty good fishing, the last catches we had were this beautiful Red Snapper 3/4kg, beautifuls amberjacks 4/5 and several Atlantic tuna 2/4 congratulations and... read more »

Various Fishing - White Marlin Gran Canaria

Various Fishing

5 February 2025 - A varied day today, good weather, we started the morning a little slow, later fishing got lively with several bites of Amberjacks 2/3, Atlantic tuna and a grouper fish 1/2 (catch and release).... read more »

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